Hello and thank you for visiting!
I am Herc Magnus and as the description of my blog suggests, I have two very strong passions! Music and Money! Well I really only love money because it allows me the time and freedom to play music!
I have been making money from the Internet for almost 15 years now, so I've seen and done quite a few things! But as of 2012, my main focus has been primarily on Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as I'll refer to it from now on.
The reason I've chosen SEO as my focus is because it is a challenging, rewarding and profitable way to get free traffic online using the big guy Google.
Basically what I do is find out what highly searched phrases people are looking for on Google, those phrases or the things you type into Google when you search are called keywords. So I look for keywords with thousands of searches per month!
When I find a bunch of them, I find out which ones don't have a lot of competition in the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages), and I build a webpage or blog based around that keyword.
Why do I do this?
Because if I know thousands of people are searching for a particular keyword, and not a lot of people have a website or blog dedicated to giving out information about that keyword, then it's going to be relatively easy to rank #1 in Google when that term is searched.
Further more, when you get a website at the 1st position in Google for any term searched, you'll receive about 50% of the total traffic to your site! The other 50% of the traffic is split up and heads to results 2 - 20 typically. Page 3, you suck, you are useless.
So half of the traffic heads to the #1 site. So if you have a site about "how to play guitar" in the number 1 spot on Google, and about 100,000 people per month search for 'how to play guitar' your website will receive approximately 50,000 hits per month or 1666 hits per day, and every single one of those people is looking for a way to learn to play guitar.
Guess what I do next?
Yep, I direct them to a program, a website, a dvd, or anything for sale that teaches people how to play guitar. and if they buy it. I send them through a special link called an 'affiliate link' which tells the people selling the product, that it was me who sent them, so if that person purchases the product, I make a commission!
So all the effort I spend up front, creates a semi-residual income stream. What I mean by semi-residual is that as long as these 3 conditions are all met, I'll be making hands-free income.
- As long as Google exists to deliver traffic.
- As long as people are searching for that keyword
- As long as my website is in the Top 3 results
BAM!!! Free targeted traffic all day, every day, looking for stuff to buy. And all I gotta do is set up a website, and collect some checks!
Ok, so it's obviously not THAT easy, otherwise everyone would just do it, but with a little practice, the right guidance and a proper set of tools, you can do this!
A little story...
A year ago into learning how to do SEO with my girlfriend, we sucked at it! We picked bad keywords, and we set up bad sites and we got very little results if any. But we never quit learning and trying.
Today, a year later we can pick a keyword and have a website ranked in the Top 3 positions in Google in 48 hours and start receiving 100+ hits per day. We've done it multiple times!
And all of that stuff above is what I do to make money, because I love playing rock n roll and jobs just get in the way of it! So SEO and Affiliate Marketing is a perfect fit for my lifestyle and I'm willing to bet you can easily see how it's also a perfect fit for your own lifestyle.
Well if that's true, please register to this blog as well as sign up to my email list and I'll send you some amazing information about how you can get started learning SEO and Affiliate Marketing.
I'll teach you things like
- How to quickly identify keywords with lots of traffic potential, and low competition
- The software that automatically does keyword research in bulk for you. A huge time saver.
- How to register your domain name, website and get it LIVE on the internet.
- How to properly set up your website in order to tell Google exactly what it's about so your chances of a Top Placement are really good. This is called On Page Optimization.
- What to put on your website to engage your visitors and get them clicking on your affiliate links.
- How to give your sites a Power Boost to shoot them up in the rankings from Page xx to Page 1 if your debut position is less than stellar! This is called Off Page SEO.
- Where to find large commission products to sell on your websites
- How to track and organize absolutely EVERYTHING so that any and all information is only seconds away.
- How to hire other people to do the work you don't want to do, for pennies
- How to avoid 'shiny new toy' syndrome and stay focused on the things that matter
And there's just so much more to learn, and there's no time to waste! Freedom and challenge await you, so sign up now to start receiving great info!
Inlictegenle and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.